- Christ as the Consciousness of Mankind
In the past, we have thought of the coming of Christ to individual consciousness as a rare experience. But it's been revealed that we are at the beginning of a new era, which we will call “the second coming of the Christ”—the coming of the Christ to earth as the consciousness of all mankind.
Today, Christ is being established as the universal consciousness. And, we are witnessing on earth something that never before existed. Now, it is less possible for people to do evil. Even as they only think of doing evil, the repercussion is upon them. In other words, there is already enough Christ established as human consciousness that the mere thought of doing evil is enough to bring a repercussion on the thinker.
In the three-dimension life in which we were born, people could do all kinds of evil and experience little punishment. That is why – for so many generations – there have been wars, slavery, and man’s inhumanity to man. There has never been a righteous war. Every war ever fought has been an evil one. And the perpetrators did not suffer; only the victims did. However, now, there is enough of the Christ functioning in human consciousness to wreak immediate vengeance upon those who perpetrate wrong. It is not Christ who is wreaking vengeance on the perpetrators of evil. The perpetrators bring themselves the penalty for their thoughts, motives, and deeds.
You cannot do wrong unto Christ without it immediately having repercussions upon you because evil is destroyed when it comes into the presence of Christ. Remember that Judas Iscariot committed suicide within a very few days of his betrayal of the Master Jesus. Evil destroys those who cling to it. If we hold within ourselves some wrong intent, some wrong desire, some evil motive – and think to profit from such evil instead of seeking to be freed from it – heaven help us if we ever come up against anyone of spiritual light!
That is what is taking place in the world today. And, from now on, there will be fewer wars, less of man’s inhumanity to man, less cheating, less stealing, less of robbing people of their birthright. There is so much spiritual loss in human consciousness that those who have in mind the destruction of others, holding others in bondage to anything, find their punishment long before their plans succeed. That is happening throughout the world. The evildoers are coming up against someone of spiritual light. And, when they do, they had better prepare for their funeral because the Christ of your consciousness will do to them what it did unto Judas Iscariot! If Judas will not let loose of his evil, he will be carried off with his evil. In all parts of the world, some still believe that it is perfectly alright to live by the sword. They are going to come up against Christ and die by the sword because the weapon they use against humanity is the very weapon that will cut them down. Those who are determined to cling to their evil and think to benefit from it will be destroyed along with the evil because evil destroys those who adhere to it.
However, those who relinquish the evil are healed. We all come in contact with thousands of people desirous of losing their sins, diseases, false appetites, resentments, jealousies, envy, malice, lust, and greed. And they are being healed. When we in sin come before those of spiritual light, sincerely wanting to be freed from such evil, we are healed rather than destroyed. If there is – within our consciousness – any evil, any wrong, and we are at the point where we would like to be free of it, we need only seek someone who has attained some measure of spiritual light, and we will be forgiven our sin and be set free. Remember, however, that the Master said also, “Go, and sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.”
Every bit of spiritual light you individually attain increases the amount of Christ-consciousness lost and lost in the world. This is how it operates. If I am lifted up, draw all men unto me. If I have attained some measure of Christ-consciousness, those of you who are receptive and responsive may receive an uplift. It may be a physical, mental, moral, or some other kind of healing, or you may be lifted into a higher measure of Christ-consciousness by one individual being lifted. Any measure of Light in our consciousness produces a spark of Light in the consciousness of those of you who are at all spiritually inclined.
Had it been said two thousand years ago that there would be ten to fourteen thousand people doing spiritual work on earth, I am sure it would have been ridiculed. It was believed that only those whom God had visited could do so. Now, we know that God is no respecter of persons. We have learned that almost anyone can attain some measure of the Spirit of God. We have seen that the saints, the sages, and seers, the mystics are not the only ones who receive this Spirit. God visits anybody and everybody who can open their consciousness to accept that Presence which is within. That is why many business people, housewives, and others are spiritual healers and teachers.
You do not have to belong to any religion or church. Belong to a church if you would like to do so, but belonging or not belonging to a church or religion has nothing to do with your relationship with God. Your relationship with God has to do with an activity of your consciousness, your Father and I are one,” which is a universe of truth.
For the past hundred years, we have been proving in Christian Science, Unity, New Thought, and The Infinite Way that one individual imbued with Truth can heal thousands of patients or students of mind, body, pocketbook, or human relations.
What sets these practitioners apart from the rest of mankind? What sets apart the practitioners, the teachers, or any of the metaphysical or spiritual writers you have known? What sets them so apart that they could bring about the healing of the body, the mind, the character, the morals, or the pocketbook? They transitioned from “man whose breath is in his nostrils” to “that mind which has its being in Christ.” Eventually, something happens within them that they probably could not describe. But, at some particular moment in their experience, they attained a degree of spiritual consciousness, or Christ-consciousness. They achieved some measure of transcendental consciouness which is beyond the human..
- I am witnessing healing work from spiritually illumined students in the Infinite Way. Some students are disappointed in their progress and want more Light. I say to them, “Be patient! You will be able to. But, you must wait until the Spirit of the Lord God is upon you, and you are ordained to do these things.” When the Master parted from His disciples, He said to them, “Remain in this city until you are imbued from on high, until the Spirit of the Lord God is upon you.”
We cannot function as practitioners or spiritual teachers until we have received spiritual illumination – the experience of the Christ, of the transcendental Presence. If we lack that one essential – even though we have the will, the desire, and the hope – we cannot heal, reform, or enrich. Until that experience which sets us apart takes place within our consciousness, we must be perfectly content to remain students. When you have the experience of Christ – the transcendental Presence – you will be successful as a practitioner, healer, teacher, and so on in the measure of your fidelity to Christ the transcendental Presence.
You will know when the Spirit is consciously upon you by the fruitage in your experience and when those who come within range of your consciousness detect that you have something they lack.
Any measure of spiritual Light that is raised in you, immediately, begins to raise up some member of your family, a neighbor, a friend, a relative, or a stranger. If you have been lifted up by so much as one grain, then – as you go forth – you are carrying that grain of spiritual Light out into the world. And; any degree of sin, disease, lack, or limitation that touches your consciousness immediately begins to dissolve. And; others get healing. All this bears witness to the fact that the measure of Christ raised in an individual is the measure of Christ loosed in the consciousness of others that raises them up.
The Christ in you is active. You live as a beholder. Never the doer; You are the
- be-er, a witness to God-being as Yourself and God-being as everyone else you meet.
My Healing Mentoring Service caters to the individual needs of diverse worldwide clientele.
Since you click on this site, it will navigate you back to the hidden beauty within. Returning to your father's house is an awakening time. It strips your human consciousness to remember the spiritual reality of your true identity and purpose in life.
Omniscience knows far better than we do what the right decision should be. Let's take the time to establish ourselves in the ever-present consciousness of divine Wisdom.
Although the world today may be confusing, and you may find yourself in turmoil and unbelievable challenges, you can learn to turn to that Center within.
From birth, we think we have a mind of our own, a sense of self-preservation and self-deception. The worst of all is the Sense of Separation from God.
As long as there are human beings with whom to deal, there will be someone with whom to struggle. What appears as a problem person is a Sense of Selfhood apart from God.
Can there be a selfhood apart from God? Can there be any person other than the one divine Person? One means one, and that One is all-inclusive. There is only one Self. That one Self appears infinitely. Because of this sense of separateness, a personal sense of that oneself has sprung up (this is the Mist in the Garden of Eden), and it is this personal sense that we identify as a person, mentally sound, wrong or right, or indifferent. But it is not a person: it is only a false sense of the one Self, person, of the I that we are.
What we see as a sick, dying, deceitful, or dishonest person is the personal sense, a false sense, not my false sense or yours. It is a universal personal sense that everyone has accepted through generations of human conditioning. It is a mesmeric dream.
As long as we personalize, that is, look upon a person as good or evil, there will be someone to fear, love, or hate. There will always be fear: the fear that those who love us will be removed and those who hate us will not be removed. This does not mean that evil actions are to be overlooked or that we keep permitting toxic behavior in our experience. Many times, intense action must be taken to deal with such persons. But, inwardly, it must never be forgotten that evil acts are part of the Adam Dream, the Mist, a temptation, and always impersonal, to be recognized as nothingness. The Christ in your Consciousness will reveal this truth.
When we turn to the Center of our actual Being, we rise in consciousness and no longer look at the appearances of discord, lack, or limitation. Instead, the Spirit within shows us our true spiritual nature and, in meditation, reveals to us that this is our true Self, for there is no other than the one "I" within us. As we free ourselves from the personal sense of life, we awaken to the boundless freedom that comes when everyone we meet is recognized as God-individualized. We accept nothing less than perfection. This, at first, is a struggle. A rigid core discipline is needed to reverse this lie of a material sense of creation. This takes a pure and straightforward commitment to level up.
My Healing Practice benefits your entire experience. I help guide early to advanced students to relinquish their attempts to improve humanhood.
As we rise to the level of consciousness (when the mist starts to disappear), we can recognize the divinity of every individual, personal sense dissolves, and harmony reigns. We begin the process of awakening from the hypnotic dream. We see through the Masks of Universal Beliefs. This happens as we attain God's Realization and allow love to flow out from us. This will lift everyone's consciousness of their spiritual integrity.
I embrace you on this encounter as One of the Tellers of the New Story on Earth. Are you ready to take a new role in this radical historical movement? Are you ready to openly release yourself from the deterioration of the human past? If so, you're about to take a gigantic leap in human history.
For those who desire to see through the current reality that has entrapped us in a consensual education system, your opportunity to awaken is here now!
A new you have been evolving into why you are here...sometimes using suffering as your teacher.
As you awaken to this fact, you'll be able to forgive yourself and others and see your past mistakes as irrelevant because of your now-evolved consciousness of what's the right thing to do. You see your past failures and mistakes as necessary to get you where you are now.
This understanding enables you to love and live authentically without fear or self-condemnation. (A helpful read: See Ex-convict story -under pull-down More on top-Header)
Suppose you have heard my Podcasts on NYC Studio 1 Professional Podcast Network. They reached over 200,222 thousand listeners.
(1st Podcast)
(2nd Podcast)
(3rd Podcast)
https://podcast-business-news-network-platinum.simplecast.com/episodes/10877-jill-nicolini- interviews-nicole-cartier-founder-of-support-ministry
(You will get a message 104 saying not found -BUT, Type in the box `Nicole -Episode 10877

Listen to my Zoom Radio Broadcast on "The California State Institution Committee" website. https://www.lightinprison.org/video-returning-citizen-stories/
A KEST Radio Broadcast - Spiritual Perspectives Archive-Nicole Cartier talks about Resources available to us and in us. Solutions to the every day chaotic appearances and the activity of Spirit in your life and the world and how we can become in alignment with the present unseen reality of heaven on earth.
The podcasts and broadcasts will acknowledge that you can consciously be alert and awakened to no longer manifest compulsive, repetitive, insane thinking and egoic delusion.
It is also helpful to go to the Header above, click "Awakening from the Illusion," and pull down MORE. Then go to "Healing Stories." You'll read how God's activity has worked in real-life experiences of personal and business challenges. Nothing is impossible to the Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient Spirit.
It's time to claim your birthright and lean on the "HOLY Sustaining Infinite" NOW!
I can help you on your spiritual journey. You're welcome to call (831) 905-4298